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Chandler Marino – Lead Vocals, Drums

Born and raised in Chicago, I’ve been drumming in local bands for the past 20+ years, but I’ve always felt like a singer trapped in a drummer’s body. In my last venture, The Hybrids, I found that doesn’t have to be one or the other. My vocal style has been called soulful & gritty and I play my drums as though they’re a part of my body. I choose songs that I think will kick the audience right in their crotch.

I always had a lot of energy (ok, too much energy), so my parents enrolled me in every outside activity they could think of, including a slew of instruments. Nothing held my attention until I received my first drum kit for Christmas when I was 5 years old. I took one drum lesson, which consisted of hitting a rubber pad, then basically cried all the way home because I wanted to bang on those drums! After a few casual lessons from my cousin, I basically taught myself to play, listening to album after album (yes, I said albums!) until I could figure out the songs as best I could.

I’m making music that my mama would be proud of and I’m singing my face off.

I’m living proof that it’s never too late to live your dreams.